Your Documents Please:     Exhibition Information and On-line Catalog
Exhibition Schedule View Documents Exhibition Info Contact and Credits Original Prospectus
  "Your Documents Please" installed at Museum of Arts and Crafts, Itami, Japan, April 4 - 20, 2008. 

More than 270 artists living in 27 countries have created passport/ID documents for "Your Documents Please," an international traveling art exhibition.

The lives of people around the world are shaped by their status in the groups and institutions with whom they interact. As globalization proceeds and local bonds are eroded, identification documentation such as passports, credit cards, drivers' licenses and calling cards has become the physical medium in which the political, commercial, cultural and ultimately the spiritual disposition of the individual are negotiated.  As new forms and criteria of identification are produced even the nature of identity is changed. This international traveling art exhibition reflects a contemporary spectrum of issues of identity and the impact of its documentation.

For “Your Documents Please,”the organizers, Daniel Georges and Rumi Tsuda, in conjunction with the New York based arts organization, Alma on Dobbin, asked participants to make a small artwork (the size of a conventional passport or less) that functions visually or conceptually as if it were an identification document. As the show has traveled, new "documents" by local artists have been added.

In keeping with the focus on ID documents, a letter size paper certificate with head photo of the artist, name, place of residence, country of origin as well as a photo of one of their previous art pieces and explanatory notes about what they have made for the show is presented in a vinyl sleeve with each artwork in place of a conventional label.

The exhibition opened at the Museum of Arts and Crafts– Itami, Japan, in April 2008 and has travelled to alternative spaces including ZAIM art space–Yokohama, 2B Gallery–Budapest, Galerie Kurt im Hirsch–Berlin, Z Gallery–Bratislava, and Galería Ajolote Arte Contemporáneo–Guadalajara. It is now in New York City at Alma in Manhattan hosted by Fine Light Inc. 601 West 26th St. 8th floor suite 835 (hours Wed. - Sun. 12-6pm) through November 21, 2010.




Below you will find an on-line catalog in the form of a complete list of artist links. Each link when selected shows the "document" the artist is exhibiting and a certificate similar to the ones displayed in place of labels in the gallery venues. You can also navigate to "next" and "previous" on the artist list from any given page. Three letter country of residence abbreviations in the list are followed by country of origin in parentheses if other than residence. Text in the "Identifying Notes and/or Characteristics" field relates to the document the artist is exhibiting. Links to artist web site urls in catalog pages, when available, will open in a new window.

Abha Dawesar USA (IND)
Aiko Kitagawa JPN
Aimee Lee USA
Aine Scannell GBR (IRL)
Akane Kirimura FRA (JPN)
Akos Wechter HUN
Alec Finlay GBR
Alessandro Mejia Lopez MEX
Alexandra Moses USA
Alissa Kaplan USA
Amanda Trager USA
Amarie Hill USA
Andra Georges USA
András Böröcz USA (HUN)
Anna Cooke MEX (USA)
Anne Holliday NZL (ZAF)
Annette Minchin AUS
Annette Munk DEU
Arezoo Moseni USA (IRN)
Arimichi Iwasawa JPN
Audrey Daniel USA
Augusto Metztli ESP
Babs Reingold USA (VEN)
Barbara Hashimoto USA
Barbara Schauwecker USA (KOR)
Beata Wehr USA (POL)
Beatrix Piesh USA (SVK)
Betsy Davids USA
Carl Pope USA
Carl Fairweather NZL
Carole Naggar USA (EGY)
Catya Plate USA (ESP/DEU)
CeCe Cole USA
Cham Giobbi USA
Charles Hobson USA
Che Song Gyu JPN (KOR)
Christine Ponelle USA (FRA)
Clara Pechansky BRA
Cordula Kagemann DEU
Corrine Bayraktaroglu USA (GBR)
Dale Copeland NZL
Daniel Georges USA
Daria Dorosh USA
David Brody USA
David Opdyke USA
David Lantow USA
David Poppie USA
David Ambrose USA
Deborah Masters USA
Debra Jenks USA
Debra Bretton Robinson USA
Dede van der Roove POL
Denise Deleray USA
Dennis Summers USA
Diana Martin Segura MEX
Diane Sophrin USA (HUN)
Dina Bursztyn USA (AGR)
Don Porcaro USA
Donna Maria de Creeft USA
Dorothea Fleiss DEU (ROM)
Edna Cantoral Acosta MEX
Eileen Foti USA
Eleonora Lecei USA (YUG)
Elise Engler USA
Elizabeth Zois USA
Elizabeth Ross MEX
Elmadani Belmadani MAR
Emily Harris USA
Enny Huylebroeck BEL
Enrique Castrejon USA (MEX)
Enzo Salanitro ITA
Eric Doeringer USA
Esperanza Cortes USA (COL)
Etta Säfve NDL (SWE)
Eungho Park USA (KOR)
Fernando Quirarte MEX
Ford Crull USA
Frank Gillette USA
Friederun Friederichs DEU
Gabor Andor Tooth HUN
Gelah Penn USA
George Alamidis AUS (GRC)
Georgia Grigoriadou GRC
Gerhild Ebel DEU
Gianluca Bianchino USA
Giovanni Bonanno ITA
Goso Tominaga JPN
Greg Neville AUS
Gregg Nowell AUS
Grimanesa Amoros USA (PER)
György Szegö HUN
Gyula Majoros HUN
Hae jin Yoon USA (KOR)
Hanna von Goeler USA (DEU)
Hanne Matthiesen DNK
Harley Spiller USA
Heather Hart USA
Helen Malone AUS
Helen Schamroth NZ (POL)
Helen Murphy USA
Hiro Sakaguchi USA (JPN)
Hisami Suzuki JPN
Hormone Sekine JPN
Ian Laughlin USA (NZL)
Ichi Ikeda JPN
Ignacio Guerrero MEX
Ioulia Terizis AUS
Ivan Puig MEX
Ivica Krošláková SVK
Jake Klotz USA
Janet Jones USA
Jaromir Svozilik NOR (CZK)
Jason Irwin USA
Jennifer Pepper USA (CAN)
Jesse Walker USA
Jesus Manuel Montero ESP
Jo Cook CAN (USA)
Joan Mellon USA
Joan Ryan USA
Joan Schulze USA
Joan Snitzer USA
Johannes Gérard NDL (DEU)
John Roach USA
John Mark Sager USA
Jonathon Johnson USA
Jordan Crandall USA
Jordana Maisie AUS
Jorge Meijide ARG
José Ignacio Osuna Nevarez MEX
Jose Ruiz USA (PER)
Joyce Cutler-Shaw USA
Jozef Jankovič SVK
Juana Valdes USA (CUB)
Jude Tallichet USA
Judith Page USA
Judy Gittelsohn USA
Julia Wigent USA
Juraj Meliš SVK
Juszuf Istvan Antal HUN
Karen Atkinson USA
Karen Balos USA
Karen King USA
Kate Wall USA
Katsura Okada USA (JPN)
Kayo Miyaji JPN
Kayo Nakamura USA
Kazuko Miyamoto USA (JPN)
Kazuya Taoka JPN
Keiko Kubota-Miura USA (JPN)
Keith Smith USA
Keith A Buchholz USA
Ken Butler USA
Ketta Ioannidou USA (CYP)
Kiyotaka Kumano JPN
Kurt Stoeckel USA
L.M.Noonan AUS
Laurel Shute USA
Lauren Simkin Berke USA
Laurinda Stockwell USA
Leigh Craven USA
Lester Pidgeon USA
Lex Loeb USA
Lili Rusu ROM
Lis Rejnert Jensen DNK
Lisa Cooperman USA
Lise Menu Noack FRA
Lorraine Pemberton NZL
Louise McCagg USA
Luisa Sartori USA (ITA)
Madam X USA
Maddy Rosenberg USA
Maki Takemoto JPN
Marcin Ramocki USA (POL)
Mari Oshima USA
Marian Macken AUS
Marie Sivak USA
Marina Salmaso DNK (ITA)
Markus Shimizu DEU (JPN)
Marta Rial Vázquez ESP
Mary Ellen Long USA
Masaki Tamura JPN
Mathew Rogers USA
Matt Freedman USA
Meghan Keane USA
Melanie Rochat USA
Melody Winnig USA
Michael Pribich USA
Michelle Loughlin USA
Mike Mollett USA
Miki Hayashi JPN
Mille Kalsmose DNK
Mimi Shapiro USA
Miriam Schaer USA
Mirta Kupferminc ARG
Mitsuo Hayashi JPN
Mitsuo Toshida JPN
Myoung Soo (IVARY) Kim KOR
Nancy Guerrero GBR (CHI)
Nancy Morrow USA
Nancy Lehet AUS (USA)
Nancy Storrow USA
Nancy Azara USA
Nancy Kay Turner USA
Naomi Campbell USA (CAN)
Natalie Moore USA
Natasha Shapiro USA
Neddi Heller USA
Nick Shepard USA
Niku Kashef USA
Nina Czegledy CAN (HUN)
Nina Waisman USA
Nora Gergely HUN
Noredin Morgan USA
Noriaki Imai JPN
Norma Markley USA
Norma Pardo MEX
Norman Moore USA
Olivia González Terrazas MEX
Ottfried Zielke DEU
Patricia García Pérez MEX
Patrick Killoran USA
Paul Baumann USA
Petala Eftihia GRC
Rena Masuyama JPN
Robbin Silverberg USA
Robert Tucker USA
Robyn Challis NZL
Rocío Gonzalez Lomeli MEX
Roger Sayre USA
Roland Halbritter DEU
Rumi Tsuda USA (JPN)
Russel Hulsey USA
Sam Erenberg USA
Sarah Barker USA
Sarah Wentworth USA
Sarah Julig USA
Sarantis Gagas GRC
Sasha Chavchavadze USA
Scott McCarney USA
Scott Randall USA
Scrapworm Wrenn USA
Sebastiaan Bremer USA (NDL)
Senol Sak TUR
Sheila Ross USA (GBR)
Simone Gad USA
Sivanon Nax Chaichorfa JPN(THA)
Skowmon Hastanan USA (THA)
Stephen Lack USA
Steve Cox USA
Sue jin Jo USA (KOR)
Susan Bee USA
Susan Breitsch USA
Susan Newmark USA
Susan Share USA
Susumu Sakaguchi USA (JPN)
Suzanne Anker USA
Tadashi Hashimoto USA (JPN)
Taisuke Morishita JPN
Tammy Wofsey USA
Taryn Wells USA
Tasuku Matsushima JPN
Tatsuo Osawa JPN
Thomas Simpfendoerfer USA(DEU)
Tommy Flynn USA
Tomomi Sano JPN
Truman Capone USA
Undine Brod USA
Ursula Clark USA
Vaiva Kovieraite LTU
Vernita N'Cognita USA
Verónica Jiménez Sánchez MEX
Victoria Alexander CAN
Wesley Mulvin CAN
Yoko Arisaka JPN
Yoshiko Tsukano JPN
Youme Landowne USA
Yuka Mae JPN
Zoltán Hermann HUN
Zona Sage USA (CAN)
Exhibition Schedule View Documents Exhibition Info Contact and Credits Original Prospectus